
Business briefs

Stanford boat

The receiver in the SEC’s lawsuit against R. Allen Stanford asked a federal judge to approve the sale of a yacht, the Sea Eagle, which the fin ancier bought in 1998 for $3.9 million.

China move

China appealed a World Trade Organiza tion ruling that found its curbs on the sale of books, films and music from the US are unfair.

Home prices

The Federal Housing Finance Agency said home prices rose 0.3 per cent in July from the prior month, but June’s price increase was re vised down to 0.1 percent from 0.5 percent. The index is still 4.2 percent below last year’s levels and 10.5 percent off its peak from April 2007.

Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac said it has named Ross Kari CFO, filling a post that has been occupied on an in terim basis for a year. Kari was previously CFO for Fifth Third Bancorp.

Tweet this

Twitter has no plans to put advertisements on the popular microblog ging site this year, co- founder Biz Stone said.

Disney files

Walt Disney Co. filed to register $2.12 billion in stock for the acquisition of Marvel Entertainment.

Lehman claims

Lehman Brothers Hold ings’ creditors, including UBS, the New York Giants and Abu Dhabi Invest ment Authority, filed more than 62,000 claims against the collapsed bank before yesterday’s court- imposed deadline.