
Selling himself

Dick Fuld’s former right-hand man at Lehman Brothers is on the prowl for a new Wall Street gig, sources tell The Post.

Joseph Gregory, who was president and chief operating officer and Fuld’s consigliere, was sacrificed by the CEO months before the investment bank went up in smoke.

Now the 57-year-old veteran banker is telling colleagues close to him that he wants back in the rat race — and is angling for a post similar to the one he lost at Lehman.

“He’s feeling antsy and itching to get back in the mix,” said one source, adding that Gregory envisions himself running or serving as the No. 2 at a private-equity firm, hedge fund or another big bank.

Gregory’s resurrection attempt comes nearly a year after Lehman became the biggest bankruptcy in US history, and on the heels of a $233 million claim he filed last month against the remaining assets in the investment bank.

That figure represents deferred stock and option grants that Gregory says he’s entitled to after spending more than half his life at Lehman.

It’s unclear which firms Gregory might be interested in working for, or which ones might be open to employing him.

The Fuld loyalist took a bullet for his boss last year by stepping down from his post amid fears on Wall Street that Lehman was on the verge of collapsing.

Books about the Lehman failure have depicted him as aloof — and with a taste for the high life.

Sources have implied that Gregory’s pavement-pounding suggests that the Lehman debacle dug a hole in his sizable net worth — a point he has denied adamantly to others.

Meanwhile, he has been offloading personal assets, including a palatial eight-bedroom mansion in Bridgehampton, LI, that he was shopping for $32.5 million before lowering the price and then weighing renting it.