US News


Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday called for sanctions against Britain if there was a “quid-pro-quo” involving the release of the Lockerbie bomber and Libya’s approval of a multibillion-dollar oil deal.

“You can’t allow a vicious terrorist who killed so many to go free after eight years,” the New York Democrat said. “If it is true that there was a quid pro quo — and it hasn’t been proven yet — there ought to be some sanctions against Britain.”

Schumer made his comments after Britain’s Sunday Times reported that convicted bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi had been returned to Libya because it was in the “overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom.”

Britain made the decision after talks between Libya and petroleum giant BP over a huge oil-exploration deal hit a snag. The problems were resolved soon after the decision to release Megrahi was made, the newspaper said.