Drama Mama: Daytime Emmys

Need your weekly drama fix? Mama has some suggestions. Here is what to look for this week:

Daytime Emmy Awards” (Sunday, 8 p.m., CW)

After a long, bumpy production road on which all the networks passed on airing this perpetually low-rated kudofest, the Daytime Emmys finds a home at the CW. And despite not being in the daytime drama game itself, the CW promises to honor the soaps and not just fill two hours with Ellen and Regis. Expect a tribute to departing sudser “Guiding Light” as well as some surprises in the top category wins, since a lot of obvious actors and shows weren’t even nominated. Vanessa Williams hosts, no doubt bringing her own drama with her. “Mad Men” (Sunday, 10 p.m., AMC)

For those of you who didn’t download this episode when it was inadvertently released by iTunes almost two weeks early, now is your chance. As usual, plot details are sketchy, but Mama hears that Peggy tries marijuana.

Greek” (Monday, 9 p.m., ABC Family)

The third season of this college hit finds Casey recovering from her boyfriend Max’s departure and her subsequent rejection by frat king Cappie. Meanwhile, Rusty is worried that he will flunk out due to his inattention to organic chemistry. “Greek” has never fit the bill for Mama as the stuff of great drama, but at least its appealing cast and home at ABC Family keep it from sinking into the seediness served up by other network teen shows.

Rescue Me” (Tuesday, 10 p.m., FX)

This extra-long season had its ups (Michael J. Fox, Garrity’s first musical number, Tommy’s ghost scenes) as well as its downs (three “reverse interventions” too many, Garrity’s subsequent musical numbers, anything involving daughter Colleen). But just when Mama was ready to pronounce this year’s “Rescue Me” funny again, the show pulls out another tired death-by-DWI. In Tuesday’s finale, let’s hope that at least the Janet/Sheila mess is at long last resolved.