Keepin’ It Real: Cancun Commando Goes MIA

By: Anthony Sulla-Heffinger

This week’s episode opens up with the ever-entertaining Bronne planning to prank one of his fellow roommates by creating a booby trap by filling a “mine” with “shrapnel.”

Enlisting Jonna’s help, Bronne plants his trap, although it eventually goes off without any roommates underneath it.

It seems like Bronne, who dreams of becoming a mercenary assassin, has a kid’s mentality while in Cancun, and does whatever he pleases, including conducting some Cancun covert-ops missions involving water guns and Spring Breakers. Emilee believes that Bronne has an extreme case of ADD, which she is probably familiar with — receiving her Adderall package was like Christmas morning at the house last week.

Bronne then joins the rest of the roommates out at one of the Cancun hotspots, where we see him casually drinking while Jonna and Pat continue their flirty ways.

Then comes arguably the top moment all season, and possibly in “Real World”‘ history when Bronne shows up back at the suite with a present: a fire extinguisher he picked up on the way home.

It isn’t long before firefighter Bronne, one of Cancun’s honorary bravest, begins fighting imaginary fires from the suite’s balcony. This is incredibly entertaining, as he screams for the fire to stop burning down the homeless shelters, and proceeds to throw the empty extinguisher off the balcony and into the ME’s pool.

The next morning, Bronne finally wakes up and asks the other roomies what he had done in his blacked-out state. After finding out that he hurled the extinguisher into the pool and has to meet with the hotel manager, he gives this public service announcement and the Bronne quote of the week, “Don’t drink that much kids.”

After meeting with the hotel manager, Bronne is asked to leave ME, because his behavior endangers the other guests. With his choices limited to becoming a vagabond or living at the StudentCity employee housing complex, GRL.

Opting for the latter, Bronne moves into the GRL, which is a significant downgrade from the ME, but at least he is still in Cancun and can return to the ME whenever he pleases.

In his first night at the GRL. Bronne gets locked out of the room and is forced to sleep on the hammock outside, but not before befriending a stray dog on the streets of Cancun, which despite being a poor choice, isn’t the worst decision that’s been made on Spring Break.

Aside from Bronne’s usual hijinks, Jasmine, Pat and Jonna’s love triangle becomes a love square (we are coining that term) when Jasmine brings Pat’s cousin JR into the equation.

The fiery Jasmine really has a DTA attitude in the house as she doesn’t share her plans with her other roommates because she doesn’t trust them and want them knowing her business.

Well when word gets out that she is going to be with JR, Jonna ups the ante by asking Pat out for drinks before they all hit the club Bulldog, in what makes to be one of the most awkward moments of this season so far.

Pat makes a comment toward his cousin and Jasmine, asking how the two “lovebirds” are doing as they all party together throughout the night.

Jonna, who is still in a “relationship” with her boyfriend Matt back home in Arizona, admits that she is just not into Matt as much as she used to be and cannot give him the attention he deserves.

Most of the roommates believe that Jasmine is using JR to get back at Jonna and Pat, and Derek and Emilee believe that JR might even be gay. Inevitably, Jonna and Jasmine become competitive in their separate endeavors with JR and Pat, with the Canadian cousins spending the night with their respective “Real Worlders,” resulting in Jasmine finally getting some and Jonna continuing to question her feelings for Matt.

It turns out that Jonna’s relationship with Pat seems to be developing into something more, and this causes her to let Matt know how she feels (as well as about Pat and Kirk’s slumber parties) and the two eventually break up, bringing Cancun’s relationship casualty count to two.

Jonna then seems almost as if she is in limbo, she doesn’t know how to feel about her recently ended relationship and how she feels about Pat.

I really don’t see how anyone could not have seen this break up coming. Ever since her first “cuddle” session with CJ, it was clear that her flirtatious attitude combined with the setting of Cancun, would result in her cheating on her boyfriend and costing them a relationship, but she believes she is doing what is best for her.

Next week’s episode shows exactly how much game the DJ from Cancun really has, as he finds himself in a situation involving Jonna, Ayiiia and a bed… you do the math!