Keepin’ It ‘Real’: More Issues Than Vogue

By Anthony Sulla-Heffinger

With Joey gone, we may be down to seven roomies, but there’s still loads of drama waiting to unload in Cancun.

With the exception of Ayiiia, the roommates are all pretty bummed out about the departure of Joey, as the house seems empty and quiet without the rocker. Jasmine and Ayiiia take “Lupe,” the head Joey purchased on the beach earlier this season, and give it a proper farewell at sea.

The roommates’ boss, Christina then pops in to discuss the sending home of Joey, and she is greeted by six protesting roommates, all donning their respective “Joey Gear.” As they sit and listen in their MVHC hats, bright colored shirts, bandanas and vibrant sunglasses, Christina explains to them that this is “real,” and they can all still be sent home.

The next morning Emilee receives a package containing her prescription of Adderall, which helps her with her ADHD. Apparently this was a much-needed package, as the other roomies are just as excited as Emilee to see the drugs, in hopes the pills will make “psycho” Emilee go into hibernation.

But the house wouldn’t stay quiet for long, as the sexually frustrated Jasmine flips out when Pat fails to give her the attention she craves. Jasmine drinks uncontrollably when she gets back to the house and eventually picks a drunken fight with Emilee. The two exchange some, er, classy banter and get in each others’ faces as Emilee tells Jasmine to “drink herself off a cliff.” The feisty Jasmine then delivers a KO by insulting Emilee about her Adderall prescription. Hit her where it hurts, Jasmine! Bronne, who seems to have a memorable quote in every episode, tells of how he “talks to himself” when he is sexually frustrated and isn’t getting any. Hm.

The next morning Jasmine is up bright and early (maybe she’s found the magic hangover remedy that eludes many), and she decides not to wake up her fellow roommates, leaving them to fend for themselves and show up late for work. When she tries to apologize for acting childish, Jasmine is greeted with a cold shoulder from the female roommates.

Christina, who isn’t very happy with the roommates, accompanies them on their project at DIF, a charity home for Mexican children who have been orphaned or abused. This project hits home with Derek, Emilee and Jonna, who were all adopted. Seeing these kids puts everything into perspective for the roommates, especially Emilee who wants to pick up the slack and be more responsible (perhaps the first step could be hanging up the Hooters uniform?)

Johnna also begins to question why all of the roommates can have jobs at home but are continuously late in Cancun…Here’s a hint: It’s CANCUN! The place where you are supposed to drink on every day of the week that ends in Y.

The roommates and StudentCity team up to sponsor a Mardi Gras fund raiser for the children at DIF, and they end up raising over $11,000 for toys, clothes, furniture and appliances. Bronne and the boys have tons of fun playing with the toys that are supposed to be for the kids. CJ then experiences something that not many people on Spring Break can: “a moment he will remember forever.”

The love triangle between Pat, Jasmine and Jonna continues to develop, with Jonna and Pat continuing to flirt with each other right in front of Jasmine. Jonna, who swears she is just friends with Pat, goes out on a “date” with the Canadian DJ to a high-class place called Harry’s. The dinner goes from casually talking about Jasmine, to the two flirting as the night begins to look more and more like a date and carries over to the club. This causes Jasmine to flip out, once again, and throw punches at the walls, the air and her bed — even clipping Derek with a rogue fist.

The triangle seems to be developing as so: Jasmine is being led on by Pat, who has no interest in Jasmine, and who is being led on by Jonna, who has no interest in him (supposedly) and has a boyfriend, Matt.

Jasmine attempts to come to grips with her drinking problem, and finally ditches her “project” by straying away from Pat at the end of the episode.

Next week we finally get to see Bronne throw the fire extinguisher off the balcony and the repercussions, as well as Jonna once again finding herself in a troubling situation involving Matt and a hookup in Cancun.