Kelsey Grammer Blames Heart Attack on ‘Back To You’ Cancellation

Kelsey Grammer would like to apologize.

“I’m really sorry about ‘Girlfriends’ and I’m really sorry about ‘The Game,'” he conceded Saturday while talking up his new ABC comedy, “Hank.” “But you know what? I guess they all run their course.”

Grammer — whose production company was responsible for both disastrous CW shows – also suggested that the cancellation of his own Fox sitcom ‘Back To You’ caused him to suffer a heart attack in May, 2008.

“There is obviously some connection to the stress that takes place in one’s life,” the actor told TV critics while touting his new ABC sitcom “Hank.”

“When they examined my arteries, there were no blocked arteries. I had an event that they think was stress related. So you can make of that what you will.”

Grammer, 54, said things started to turn for the worse when Kevin Reilly – who passed on the comedy about a Pittsburgh TV news reporter while at NBC – was appointed head of programming at Fox.

“There was friction between the guy who didn’t want the show in the first place and the writers,” he said. “Then there was a heart attack.”

By Sean Daly