Nigel Lythgoe: Paula Feels Like She Has Been Badly Treated

The Post caught up with “So You Think You Can Dance’s” Nigel Lythgoe to talk about the big news of the week — Paula Abdul quitting “American Idol.”

NYP: What does this mean for ‘Idol’?

NL: I am really sad if Paula is leaving this season. I am really sad for the chemistry. I think there has been incredible chemistry between Randy, Simon and Paula. It is something that has taken many years to get together. But she is allowed to hit Simon. And he deserves to be hit sometimes. I don’t see anybody that is coming in now that will have the ability to hit him. And Paula can because they grew up together as judges.

READ:Nigel Lythgoe Wants Paula On ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ and ‘Idol’ to Replace Paula

NYP: Do you feel let down?

NL: No. I just feel for the show. Last year they struggled with the four judges. And it became about the judges in the media and the public. In the public eye. And it shouldn’t be. We should be laughing with them. They create emotion on the show and that is their job – friction or happiness. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as it creates emotion. And that is what they were good at… And it is sad to see them break up. It’s like how I felt when Paul McCartney left the Beatles. “How dare you!” It is a bit like that with Paula.

NYP: Did Kara play a role in this?

NL: Well, I suppose it opened up the little dysfunctional family. It brought in the stepsister.

NYP: How is Paula doing? You said you spoke with her…

NL: She sounded great. She is doing “Drop Dead Diva” and really enjoying it. I invited her to the show tonight, but she is on the East Coast.

NYP: Couldn’t this all just be a publicity stunt?

NL: I still say she could be back. I do not think that this is a publicity stunt in any way. Because it sounded to me when she was talking that she really has been upset. Feeling like she has been badly treated. At the same time, she has changed management a couple of times in the last four weeks, so there is obviously something going on.

NYP: What kind of things are you hoping to do with Paula?

NL: We are just going to discuss what opportunities there are out there. I am not talking about my show. I am talking about opportunities in general.

NYP: Do you think the public will take Paula’s side in this?

NL: Her fans will take her side. If you have fans you want them to stick by her.