Battle of the Rexes

CBS Sports columnists Clark Judge and Mike Freeman present contrasting views on talkative Jets head coach Rex Ryan.

An excerpt from Judge: “All I know is that Ryan has made the Jets intriguing again, and if you’re confused, you haven’t been paying attention to Ryan’s news conferences. Actually, they’re more like stand-up comedy routines, with Ryan supplying the punch lines and the media the laugh tracks. … Yes, the Jets have to win and all that, but, hey, it’s June. Tell me what’s more interesting: The next chapter of Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings or Ryan poking a stick in the eye of the Patriots and their head coach.”


An excerpt from Freeman: “The only thing Rex Ryan, king of the offseason, hasn’t done in the opening days of his mouthy tenure as coach of the New York Jets is make a rap video. Someone please remind me but, what has Ocho Rexo won exactly as a head coach? Waiting … waiting. Ah, yes, nothing. Typical Jets: patting themselves on the back even before the season begins. The New York Jets — kings of June wind sprints.”