

Former CNBC boss Bill Bolster is demanding that the partners that own The Weather Channel supply him with a private jet as part of his compensation package to run the cable network as its CEO.

According to four sources either involved in or with direct knowledge of the situation, negotiations between The Weather Channel’s partners — NBC Universal, Blackstone Group and Bain Capital — and Bolster have stalled over the retired television executive’s insistence on commuting from his homes in Florida and St. Louis instead of relocating to the network’s headquarters in Atlanta.

“He wants his compensation to take care of flying back and forth,” said one of the sources, by means of either a company jet or a pay package large enough for him to keep a rented plane on call.

But sources said Bolster isn’t likely to get the jet — or the job.

“I’m not sure he’s the one,” said the source, who added that the CEO search was “continuing.”

That’s quite a reversal in position from late March, when sources said an offer was about to be extended to Bolster.

Aside from his jet demands, sources said the consortium also soured on Bolster’s lack of digital experience — most of The Weather Channel’s upside rests with the Web site.

A Bolster booster countered that he’s already experienced in monetizing unproven entities, noting that he increased CNBC’s earnings to $300 million from $80 million between 1995 and 2000 by charging advertisers premium prices to reach the channel’s audience.

NBC, Blackstone, Bain and Bolster either declined comment or could not be reached.

Private-equity and media-company fortunes — particularly at NBC — have changed dramatically since Bolster retired in the flush days of 2003, and his plane provision underscores how out of touch he is with the current media environment.

Sources said it was ludicrous for Bolster to demand a private jet when NBC boss Jeff Zucker and Jeff Immelt, the CEO of NBC parent General Electric, have been flying commercial of late.

But Bolster’s flight request stems from his belief that he is firmly in the pilot’s seat due to a lack of other viable candidates.

The Weather Channel’s partners have screened roughly 50 people for the CEO post over the course of nearly six months. Sources previously told The Post that Bolster emerged as the frontrunner because NBC, Blackstone and Bain “didn’t see eye to eye on anyone else.”

Bolster is also understood to have Zucker’s support — the two go back to Zucker’s days as a “Today” show producer.

Though the first source expressed doubt about hiring Bolster, he added that Bolster’s jet demand wasn’t “a make or break request.”

Lisa Gersh has been serving as The Weather Channel’s interim CEO since Debora Wilson left on Feb. 10.