

THE global threat of terrorism shows no sign of abating — and New York remains the No. 1 target. So we’re doing everything we can to defend the city from attack, while focusing our resources to drive down crime — even amid a historic financial crisis.

While that task may sound daunting, it’s one we’ve faced before. After 9/11, when the city confronted a perfect storm of economic and security challenges, the police department devised strategies to use our resources more efficiently. Those efforts paid off.

Today, despite having 5,000 fewer officers, crime is down by nearly 40 percent from eight years ago. At the year’s start, many predicted that crime rates would spike as a result of the collapsing economy, auguring a repeat of the 1970s.

But the opposite has happened. So far this year, crime is down 13 percent compared to last year at this time: Murders are down 23 percent; rapes, 20 percent; robberies, 16 percent; burglaries, 15 percent; grand larcenies, 14 percent, and auto theft, 13 percent.

In fact, in the first quarter we saw fewer crimes than in any three-month period in more than four decades.

We’re on pace to see our eighth straight year of falling crime rates.

The numbers show we’re not going back to the past. Financial crises come and go, but New York City’s future depends above all on our unwavering commitment to public safety and the quality of life. The police department pledges to continue that fight with you.

Raymond W. Kelly is New York City police commissioner. Adapted from a speech prepared for last night.