

Another day, another charade from New York’s fearless “leaders” in Albany.

This time, it’s Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith pretending he’s found a way to stave off severe mass-transit service cuts and fare hikes.

Believe that, and we’ll be happy to sell you a bridge (and maybe even let you put tolls on it, too).

In truth, there’s good reason to doubt that Smith’s plan could put the MTA on track to long-term fiscal health — or that it will even pass his own chamber.

Clearly, Smith doesn’t have even the Senate on board — which isn’t surprising, given that his plan contains something in it for everyone to hate.

Even worse, it seems guaranteed to do damage not just to the MTA’s finances, but possibly to the whole state’s as well, as Nicole Gelinas notes on the opposite page.

Smith’s plan would keep largely intact the $1.5 billion regional payroll tax proposed by the blue-ribbon Ravitch Commission. But it would scrap East River bridge tolls in favor of a handful of small-ticket metro-area vehicle fees, including $95 million from a Downstate taxi surcharge to fund Upstate roads and bridges.

That sets the odd precedent of having folks in the city pay for Upstate road and bridge work — all for the right to tax themselves more to fund their own transit system.

Bizarre? Unjust? Hey — it’s just Albany doing what Albany does.

And yet, the plan will still likely come in hundreds of millions of dollars short of the needs laid out by Ravitch.

But never fear: Gov. Paterson reminded New Yorkers yesterday that he exists when he met with Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos. Did they craft a deal to save the buses and subway? Please.

Here’s the real deal: Absent a meaningful rescue package from Albany, painful service cuts are set to go into effect in less than six weeks.

Smith, desperate to shun his image as a roadblock, is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

Skelos and his Republican conference are laughing as the city suffers, and Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver is waiting for someone else to make the first move.

As for Paterson, his ability to influence the process is reflected in his record-low poll numbers: Those who remember who he is tend to think he’s doing a lousy job.

New Yorkers might want to invest in good sneakers: Foot transportation might soon be the best the city has to offer.