

It’s true what they say: The betting lines are ahead of the handicappers this time of year. Hondo’s deficit soared into triple figures yesterday when the M’s put a zippin’ on the Twins to raise the accounts payable to 135 vukoviches.

Today, it’s time to go to the ‘dogs — 10 units says the Phils don’t make Jason the Marquis de Sad.


The city’s Department of Education is telling par ents to limit their children’s milk intake to the one percent or nonfat variety. It’s all part of Mike Bloom berg’s “I Know What’s Best For Everyone Program.” Oddly enough, the Mayor seems to want limits on everything — milk, transfats, cigarettes — but not term limits . . . The Obamas reportedly are looking for a church to attend in D.C. (what’s the rush?). Word is they hope to find something a little tamer than their previous house of worship: Reverend Wright’s Chicago Church of the Holy Haters.