Who’s Voting For The Woz?

Really? The top four?!

Steve “The Woz” Wozniak did better than just survive last night’s “Dancing With the Stars” results show – he was among the first four couples saved from elimination. (READ: Denise Richards vs. Holly Madison on ‘Dancing’)

When judge Bruno Tonioli called the Apple co-founder’s performance the “worst samba” ever, the crowd erupted in a cacophony of boos. Now, it looks like that crowd is an accurate sample of Wozniak’s fan base.

Wozniak, 58, who resembles a teddy bear and has been called a “Teletubby” by Tonioli, is mustering up a following – fan site, who’s twitter page has more than 60,000 members, is devoted to keeping the portly pivoter on the dance floor.

“With Woz, I think what you’re getting is real entertainment, and to me isn’t that what ‘Dancing With the Stars’ is all about?” said founder Chris Harrington.

Last season, 82-year-old Cloris Leachman managed to stay in the competition beyond the season’s halfway point, due to her loyal fan base. Will Wozniak, 58, become this season’s Leachman?

“I would like to represent the people who are the worst dancers in the world,” Wozniak, who is dancing on a fractured foot and with a pulled hamstring, told The Post. (READ: Nobody Beats The Woz)

The computer genius has either nailed the sympathy vote or is secretly hacking into voters’ computers, because Wozniak’s top four placement certainly merits an explanation. See for yourself below.