What does a school athletic coach do all day?

School coaches are responsible for teaching physical-education classes, and usually for coaching teams, as well. Duties vary depending on grade level, the school’s size and the level and type of team competition. Coaches teach lessons about physical fitness, and may also teach related subjects, such as health or nutrition.

What kind of cash are we talking about here?

In the metropolitan area, salaries for public school phys ed teachers start in the mid-$40K range. A graduate degree automatically brings an increase, as does each year of experience. Coaching duties usually earn an additional stipend. Private schools typically pay slightly less.

What do you have to do to get this job?

A college degree in physical education or a related field is required. To coach and teach in public school, one must have state teaching certification and either hold a master’s degree or earn one within a period of several years.

OK, tell me the bad part.

Hours are often long. You may be asked to take on duties unrelated to coaching, especially in a smaller or private school. Parents may second guess your every move, and will not be shy about giving you negative feedback!

What’s the upside?

Watching students develop athletically, gain skills and learn to work as a team can be extremely gratifying. And demand remains consistent even in a down economy.