

Some good news in the Lillo Brancato case – at last.

A judge yesterday hit the former “Sopranos” actor with a hefty 10-year prison sentence for his role in the botched burglary-in-search-of-drugs that led to the murder of off-duty NYPD officer Daniel Enchautegui.

That’s short of the 15 years he could have gotten, but not by much.

And Brancato – who beat a murder rap – could’ve walked free with time served. Indeed, his lawyers pleaded with Bronx Supreme Court Justice Martin Marcus to send him to a drug-treatment program instead of further prison time.

But Marcus was having none of it: “I cannot ignore the fact that, because of the burglary, a brave young police officer is dead,” he said, calling Brancato’s drug addiction “a sad story of good fortune and extraordinary opportunity that was wasted and abused.”

Amen to that.