US News


Just call him “Ab”-bama.

Buff-bodied President-elect Barack Obama put his chiseled frame on full display – as seen on Page 1 – during a stroll in Hawaii while on vacation with his family.

PHOTOS: Obama’s Trip To Hawaii

Looking more like a relaxed beachgoer than the leader-to-be of the free world, Obama walked shirtless amid lush greenery with a water bottle in one hand, his eyes covered by shades, on Sunday.

It’s a sight that Americans are increasingly getting used to – an extremely hard-bodied 44th president of the United States, whose toned pecs and abs have become as well documented during the transition process as have his policy positions.

And it’s no surprise – the pool report from the press corps following Obama begins every day with a description of him heading to the gym.

Yesterday, for instance, the Obamas left their vacation home at 7:08 a.m., arriving at the Semper Fit Center at a Marine Corps base for their workouts.

The president-elect wore a baseball cap and gray shirt, while his wife was clad in workout clothes.

Team Obama has said the future president, who’s a basketball-lover, enjoys using the elliptical trainer, the treadmill and weights.

“He does look very buff . . . He must be doing major cardio. His skin is gorgeous,” said Manhattan fitness expert Marina Kamen.

“I’m sure the health is unbelievable in terms of what he’s ingesting. It’s written all over him.”

Even California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former bodybuilder who famously mocked Obama as a girly-man right before Election Day, has eaten his words.

“Look, I’ve seen him playing basketball. He’s a better basketball player than I am,” Schwarzenegger recently told ABC’s “This Week.”