US News


Convicted Italian con man Raffaello Follieri is finding out that life behind bars is nothing like his old $37,500-a-month apartment in Trump Tower.

The food looks spoiled, the showers are filthy with excrement and the place smells really bad, a lawyer whines on his behalf in a letter to the sentencing judge.

And instead of snuggling up at night next to a Hollywood starlet, like ex-girlfriend Anne Hathaway, Follieri now bunks in a windowless dorm room with 120 other inmates, he complains.

As a result, the 30-year-old fraudster’s health “has deteriorated significantly” and his attorney is worried he can’t take it any more.

“Clearly, no one should be subjected to these conditions. However, in Mr. Follieri’s case, the unsanitary environment appears to have had a detrimental effect on his health,” his lawyer Flora Edwards wrote to the judge.

Edwards said Follieri is short of breath, has blood in his urine and is debilitated from a series of stomach problems.

He’s also been running a fever for the past two weeks since being transferred to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn on Oct. 27.

“Although I am not a doctor, I have seen him regularly and he feels warm to the touch and his eyes are glassy,” Edwards wrote.

Federal Judge John Koeltl, who last month sentenced Follieri to 4 ½ years for defrauding investors through claims of insider connections to the Vatican, ordered prosecutors to report back on Follieri’s condition and the care he’s getting.