Weird But True


This dog is cat’s best friend.

Leo the terrier saved a litter of kittens when he refused to leave the four newborns even as smoke poured through their Melbourne, Australia, house.

Firefighters revived the hero pooch with oxygen and CPR.


Is this croc a crock?

Wildlife experts on Cyprus have gotten reports of a crocodile sighting at the Kouris Reservoir. Problem is, the island nation has never had any crocs.

The rumor has resulted in eight sweeps but no crocodile.


Fart your way to better health.

New research involving mice showed that when the critters let loose, it lowered their blood pressure.


A British man who returned from vacation found that workers had painted double yellow lines around his parked car – prompting cops to leave two parking tickets on the windshield.

The workers, who were resurfacing a road, simply swerved their painting pattern and kept going, leaving Paul McCarthy, of Leeds, fuming.

“It’s laughable,” said McCarthy, 26. “I’ve no intention of paying the parking fines.”


It’s getting serious out there on eBay.

A man who bought a used cellphone – and returned it for a refund but badmouthed the seller – now may have to settle a cyber libel suit.

Returning the used merchandise wasn’t enough for Chris Read, of England. He told off seller Joel Jones in the “comments” space, saying, “I paid for a Samsung F700 and got a Samsung F700V.”

Jones, a used-electronics dealer, took umbrage. Read got a letter asking him to admit that his comments were unfair – or else he’d have a date in court for “substantial” legal fees, plus $350 in costs.