
Go, Hull, Go

Every season, I pick a promoted side to support throughout the season and root for them to stay up for next year’s campaign. This year, it’s Hull. They have been such a pleasure to watch. They handily dispatched my Magpies earlier in the season and today they handed Arsenal a 2-1 defeat at the Emirates stadium. Hull gaffer Phil Brown has to be pleased with that result; his Tigers continue to sit near the top of the table as they pull out results that defy expectations.

I have to say I’m pulling too for Stoke. Maybe I have a weakness for striped kits. I’m not a Toon supporter that despises Sunderland on principle, so I like to see any club from the north east do well, including the Mackems and Middlesbrough … I just like to see Newcastle do the best. Sadly that’s not the case so far this season but there has been plenty of entertainment. Hull’s been providing a lot of it. I’m really impressed by them so far.