* Even as a die-hard Mets fan, its going to feel like a wake after that last game at Yankee Stadium tonight. The memories, oh, there are plenty: From Chris Chambliss’ home run in 1976 to get the Yankees into the World Series, to Reggie Jackson’s three blasts in the 1977 Series against the Dodgers, to Charlie Hayes catching the last out of the 1996 Series. The tears will be flowing, the Stadium will be rocking and the House that Ruth Built will be gone forever, but never forgotten. A tribute should be said for the late Thurman Munson, Billy Martin and Bobby Murcer.


Throggs Neck

Cashing out

* Is it only me or does anyone else out there realize that GM Brian Cashman has destroyed this Yankees team? This is the man who is totally responsible for putting together a team that with a current $209 million payroll is fighting the Blue Jays for third place in the AL East. His signings of Carl Pavano, Kei Igawa and the non-trade for Johan Santana for the three stooges – Ian Kennedy, Phil Hughes and Melky Cabrera – should be his ticket out of New York. He has many other blunders along the way and the Yankees have not won a World Series since 2000 despite the fact they always have the highest payroll. I hope the Steinbrenners wake up and escort this mess out of town before he does even more damage over the winter.



Cano conundrum

* George Willis is right on the money with his assessment of Robinson Cano’s play [” ‘Pulled’ over: Cano doesn’t get meaning of hustle,” The Post and, Sept. 15]. However, what Willis fails to mention is that Cano has played like this since Day 1. The reason a big deal was not made over his lackluster defense the past two years is because he hit over .300 and was a force at the plate.



Favre from perfect

* Memo to Eric Mangini: Brett Favre is not Chad Pennington and Thomas Jones is not Jim Brown. Stop pulling a Rich Kotite and let Brett throw.



* After watching the Jets-Patriots game, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s the same old Jets. Getting Brett Favre was just putting “lipstick on a pig.”


Norwalk , Conn.

Blowing the call

* How about Dick Enberg at the end of last week’s San Diego-Denver game? When Denver scored to make it 38-37, Enberg yelled “Overtime!” even though the extra point had not been kicked and there was still time left on the clock. Then, when Denver converted the 2-point conversion, he yelled “Denver wins!” even though there was still time left on the clock! San Diego actually came close to getting into makeable field goal range. You’d think a guy with that much broadcasting experience would know better than to declare outcomes before the game is over.

