

We’ve all made it to Friday, before the rains come tomorrow. The conventions are complete, it’s time to get down to business. Here are three Friday thoughts on Johan Santana, the real difference-maker for the Mets; a tale of two AL second basemen, Robinson Cano and Dustin Pedroia and David Eckstein’s take on the Rays.


With the Phillies coming to Shea tonight for three games, here is a gentle reminder to the Mets. Next Friday marks the anniversary of their seven-game lead over last year’s Phils, a lead they gagged away.

This year it appears the Mets are getting the breaks and players like Jose Reyes appear much more energized than last season. The Mets need to show their killer instinct all weekend. Let’s face it, this is a different Mets team. This year they have two aces in Johan Santana, who pitches Sunday, and Mike Pelfrey, who goes tonight. Santana quietly has been the difference. His 2.70 ERA (after doing some quick research on is outstanding and since 1991 only Al Leiter’s 2.47 ERA in 1998 is lower (from someone who has made at least 15 starts.

Save all the talk about other changes being the difference here. Santana has always closed strong and this is another example of the lefty making a difference. Imagine if the Twins or Yankees had him and the Mets didn’t have the ace. His matchup against Cole Hamels Sunday will be interesting.


Look no further than second base to see why the Red Sox are going to the post-season again and the Yankees are not. Dustin Pedroia has been an inspiration for the Red Sox while Robinson Cano has been one of the Yankees biggest disappointments. Pedroia batted fourth last Saturday and went 4-for-4. That was the day Cano made a critical careless error, trying a shovel pass from much too far away that led to the Blue Jays comeback, the final nail in the Yankees coffin.

The Yankees may put Cano on the block this winter. Several GMs have told me they would not want any part of Cano, who signed a $30 million contract extension prior to this season. “The key is,’’ said one GM, “is you have to find players like Pedroia, who really want to win. Those kind of players are getting harder to find.’’

One Yankee noted about the 5-9 Pedroia, “He actually thinks he’s a No. 4 hitter.’’


Count David Eckstein as one player who was not totally surprised by the Rays’ success this year. He knew that the Rays would get it together under his former Angels coach Joe Maddon. This is what he told me. “He’s brought the same style to the Rays that we played with the Angels,’’ said Eckstein, who has won two world championships, one with the Angels and one with the Cardinals.

That style should be a model for AL teams in the future, hustle, force the issue, play solid defense, and of course get great pitching.

Eckstein also points to the leadership of his former Angels teammate Troy Percival as a key to the Rays’ success. Veteran players like Percival and Cliff Floyd have held their younger teammates accountable. Eckstein was a solid addition to the Diamondbacks, who face a tough schedule down the stretch as they try to hold off the Dodgers. He is batting .364 with a .429 on base percentage his first three games. Mets-Phils aren’t the only big games this weekend, Dodgers-Diamondbacks could decide weak NL West.
