
An interview with Phelps’ first coach

Tom Himes has known Michael Phelps since the swimmer was barely out of diapers. He was one of Phelps’ first coaches. He emailed The Post during last night’s race with the answers to a few questions we posed.

Here’s the Q&A:

Hello Brian,

I just returned home from a short vacation. While I did not have the opportunity to be in Bejing, I have not missed a moment of the swimming. WOW! in reference to Michael! Just watched Dara Torres…another WOW!, but just short! Here are the responses to your questions:

First memory of Michael:

I actually “recruited” the Phelps family to join (North Baltimore Aquatics Club). At that time Hilary was 10, Whitney was 7 and Michael was about 2 or 3. He actually was not in the picture at all when the Phelps first joined NBAC. Hilary was one of the best 10 & U’s in the area, Whitney was a solid 7 year old swimmer and Michael was along for the ride. Michael started swimming thru lessons with Cathy Lears, who is still teaching lessons at Meadowbrook (The home of NBAC). At 7 and 8 years old Michael began his competitive swimming career being coached by Julia Gorman (Former NBAC world ranked swimmer) and Patty Stephens (Murray’s Wife). As a 9 year old Michael was coached by Keith Schertle. I began coaching Michael in April of 1995 ( 2 months before Michael’s 10th Birthday) and coached him until Mid -June 1997 (2 weeks prior to his 12th Birthday). Bob Bowman started coaching Michael at that time.

General, Michael was a typical goofy little boy. He was just beginning to learn the sport. I went through many crying spats with him when either things did not go his way or one of the older swimmers was giving him a hard time about something. Generally, he was somewhat of a sloppy but efficient swimmer at that time and absolutly wanted to win everything he attempted.

How big a role did his sisters play in his beginning to swim?:

Michael was around the pool his entire life. His sisters were outstanding swimmers ( Hilary – Junior National Level, Whitney – World ranked) and worked very hard in all phases of their swimming. Michael looked up to his sisters and I believe he basically just followed the natural course of the Phelps family and by the age of 11 had pretty much given up all other sports and began to focus on swimming. His sisters were always great supporters of Michael. They had a great deal to do with what Michael has turned out to be. With his father somewhat out of the picture and his mother working very hard at home and advancing her career, the girls were often left with some of the day to day “overseeing” of Michael. Because of his sister’s Michael knew only one way to succeed…Never miss a practice, work as hard as he could at every practice, focus in and out of the water and have the kind of goals that would always challenge him.

Could you see he was a naturally gifted immediately?:

Actually, I knew he would do well based on his fairly good success from 6-9 years old. At 10 Michael broke his first National Age Group Record (10 & U 100 M Fly) and follwed that up with several other records before he turned 11. It was during that time that I believed he was going to do very well. He was slowly amturing both physically and mentally. He was getting more focused on goals both short term and long term. He was swimming very fast , but at the same time had a tremendous amount of things he could improve on, making it that much more obvious that he was going to be alot faster. Another factor was that he was a tremendous kicker. He could out kick anyone in his group ( ages 9-16). When Michael was 10 he kicked a 500 yd kick in under 6 minutes. That was amazing. Maybe the first sign of how good Michael was going to be.

What did he do that elevated him past other great swimmers?

First, I passed Michael off to, what I believe, the only coach that could have taken Michael to where he is now today. Bob Bowman has prepared Michael better than any other coach could have. He has made sure Michael has been surrounded by the best possible people in all phases both in and out of the pool. I think Michael probably went from age 9 – present without ever missing a practice. His work ethic and determination to be the best is unmatched by any swimmer. He trains better than any swimmer ever has. While he is talented and physically built to swim fast, he has EARNED everything he has gotten out of this sport. Talent will only take you so far, hard work, goals and great coaching will take you as far as you want to go….and Michael wants to and is willing to do what ever it takes.

What is it like for you to watch this?

Amazing, Unbelieveable, Happy, Proud…etc. While I realize my part in what Michael has accom-plished is small, I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to coach this young man. While he is the Greatest Swimmer of all Time, he has also grown into an outstanding individual. He is genuine and a tremendous symbol for all of USA Swimming. It has been very exciting to watch him throughout his career and this week has been unreal. I am just about to watch the Medley relay…I am actually nervous. He deserves nothing more than to be part of a winning relay. I am going to pause know to watch the relay…………………………..Another WOW! The culmination of the greatest sporting performance of all time. I am also thrilled for his mother and his sisters. They were so much a part of this and should be so so proud of Michael and their hugh contributions to his success.

What question do you get the most about him from friends/family?

General questions about when I coached him and most thinking it is really “cool” I coached him at one point in his career. Again, I am thrilled to know Michael, have coached Michael and consider Michael a freind.

In conclusion, I have the utmost respect for what Bob Bowman has accomplished with Michael. While some believe that anyone could coach someone as good as Michael, I do not believe that. Michael’s accomplishments are a direct result of Bob’s coaching and guidance.