

The pro-marriage alliance: Hip-Hop meets White and Nerdy.

I am a complete media naif. I don’t own a TV. I have never seen the reality show “Run’s House.” The family’s larger-than-life presence in the rap music world (Rev. Run, his brother Russell, and now his son JoJo are all hip hop recording artists) is lost on me.

But as the founder of The Ruth Institute, a non-profit educational organization promoting marriage, I say of Rev. Run’s book: Walk this way!

Reverend Run and Justine take a stand for some radically counter-culturally ideas that happen to be correct.

First, while this book is ostensibly about parenting, the Simmons’ opening salvo is that their marriage comes first. As the Rev puts it, “everything worthwhile I have is a by-product of my union with my wife.” Rev and Justine believe parents need to nurture their relationship with each other, and not allow their kids to absorb so much time, attention and energy, that the spousal relationship suffers. Nerd Alert: research shows that marriage builds wealth, and that happy marriages build happy kids.

Their second politically incorrect idea is that gender roles are legitimate, necessary and helpful. Without apology, they say that everything works best when one person has the final say. “Run has the final say at Run’s House.” Justine points out, “just because I’m a powerful, independent woman doesn’t mean I want some sucker husband.”

Third, and probably most importantly, the Simmons’ unapologetic support of marriage is a stinging rebuke to those who claim that matrimony is outdated and fathers are disposable. They are doing their part to make marriage cool.

On behalf of Marriage Nerds everywhere, I thank them.

Take Back Your Family

A Challenge To America’s Parents

by Rev. Run and Justine Simmons, with Chris Morrow

Gotham Books