

The Post’s Steve Serby chatted during the week with the father of the Yankee captain:

Q: What is the best part about being Derek Jeter’s father?

A: Like any other father, to see him doing something he really enjoys . . . something he wanted to do all his life. That’s the ultimate for any parent.

Q: What is it like watching your son play shortstop for the Yankees from the stands?

A: I’m very, very proud of Derek. To see kids walking around with a jersey on with his name, or to see parents have their infants with a shirt on with Derek’s name, there’s a certain type of respect.

Q: What happens when you’re recognized?

A: We have the same seats so we sit around the same people that have season tickets – 99.9 percent of it is real pleasant.

Q: What do they say to you?

A: “He’s a good role model. He’s a good baseball player.” People say, “I know you’re tired of hearing that.” No, I don’t get tired of hearing that. I’m just like any other parent. It’s not Derek the baseball player or New York Yankee. To me, he’s my son.

Q: What was it like watching Derek dive into the stands face first to catch that foul pop last season?

A: I was there with his mother. Our concern was he’s OK, first of all. We saw the blood as he was walking to the dugout. We went to the hospital with him. He got some stitches and was OK.

Q: Was that the best play you’ve seen him make?

A: I don’t want to rate them. It was a good play, but he’s made several others.

Q: What qualities do you see in your son that might have convinced the Yankees to name him captain?

A: He works hard . . . he’s passionate about winning . . . giving the effort on the field.

Q: Do you read any of Derek’s fan mail?

A: The only thing I read are the things that come to our (Turn 2) Foundation (that promotes healthy lifestyles, academic achievement and leadership development). We get donations from kids – they save up their allowances and send money. They have birthdays or bar mitzvahs and donate money. They respect what Derek is doing.

Q: What kind of girl would you like Derek to marry?

A: Somebody he thinks is going to make him happy.

Q: How are Derek and (younger sister) Sharlee different?

A: Derek’s a little more laid-back. Sharlee’s a little more passionate overtly. The passion for Derek comes from within. He doesn’t show it as much, but it’s there.

Q: If Derek wasn’t a baseball player, what would he have been?

A: He could have been anything he wanted to be . . . Maybe an owner. He’s a smart kid.

Q: Maybe he’ll own the Yankees one day.

A: I’m not gonna go that far.

Q: What were the early signs that Derek hated to lose?

A: He always had a drive to come out on top no matter what he was doing or who he was competing against. He always wanted to beat me.

Q: What drives him?

A: He wants to be a winner. He wants to be the best. He wants to do his best.

Q: Did you ever have to ground or discipline Derek?

A: We had certain rules, and if they were broken we had consequences.

Q: What celebrities have you gotten to meet thanks to your son?

A: That would be a long list.

Q: Best piece of advice from your mother?

A: To get my education.

Q: How did never knowing your father affect you?

A: It made me closer to my mother, and it made me want to be a father to my kids. It affected me positively in both ways.

Q: How did you propose to your wife Dorothy?

A: I told her (over the phone), “Let’s do it.” Nothing romantic.

Q: You tell people you were an all-field, no-hit shortstop at Fisk University. Was the curveball the problem?

A: Just hitting, period.

Q: You became a drug and alcohol counselor . . . did you want to be a major leaguer?

A: At one point. I found out very early I didn’t have the all-around talent to be a baseball player. I used to tell Derek there were (fewer) teams when I was coming up so the talent wasn’t as diluted.

Q: Did he buy it?

A: No (laughs).

Q: How was your defense compared with your son’s?

A: I told him a few years ago he’s finally on my level. He’s surpassed me now.

Q: Your favorite players growing up?

A: Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, Frank Robinson, Roberto Clemente.

Q: Since you lived in Kalamazoo, Mich., were you a Tiger fan?

A: I remember going to Tiger Stadium with Derek and his sister. Derek was a Yankee fan. He used to spend summers with his grandparents in Jersey. They would go to Yankee games. He was a big Dave Winfield fan.

Q: You don’t call Joe Torre “Mr. Torre” like Derek does, do you?

A: He’s Joe Torre to me. We’re about the same age.

Q: Explain the bond Derek had with Don Zimmer.

A: Derek kinda grew up with Don. Same thing with Joe. Joe Torre’s been a father figure to Derek.

Q: How has Derek’s mood been during the Yankee struggles?

A: He realizes this is a long season. Derek’s the same.

Q: One person in history you would like to meet.

A: Martin Luther King. He stood for justice and peace for everyone. He was a revolutionary.

Q: Three dinner guests?

A: Martin Luther King. Jackie Robinson. John Kennedy.

Q: Favorite athlete outside baseball?

A: Muhammad Ali.

Q: Favorite movie?

A: “Glory.”

Q: Favorite actor?

A: Denzel Washington.

Q: Favorite actress?

A: Angela Bassett.

Q: Favorite book?

A: “The Autobiography of Malcolm X.”

Q: Favorite singer?

A: Curtis Mayfield and the Impressions.

Q: Favorite meal?

A: Steak.

Q: How will you celebrate Father’s Day?

A: I really don’t know. In the past, Derek and Sharlee have taken me out to dinner.