US News


A JFK-to-San Francisco flight had to make an emergency landing when a boozy Queens woman lit a cigarette, then went ballistic after being told she couldn’t smoke, authorities said.

The JetBlue flight was diverted to Denver Tuesday, and Christina Szele, 35, of Woodside, was arrested by the feds and charged with assault and interference with flight attendants.

Authorities said she punched a black flight attendant, and went on a foul-mouthed tirade that including racial epithets.

Her nic fit could land her in the clink for up to 20 years.

Szele’s brother told CBS-TV in Denver that she’s been having a tough time after ending a 10-year relationship.

“She does drink a lot. I think part of it is the breakup, and that’s what she told me,” Ladi Szele said.

His sister told investigators she had downed three vodkas.

“If she tells me three, she might have had five,” said Ladi.

Christina Szele’s roommate in Woodside, who only gave his name as Steven, said she has a serious problem.

“She needs help. She’s an alcoholic and an addict,” Steve told The Post. “When she drinks vodka, she gets violent.”

Her father, Lazslo Szele, said the incident was overblown.

“It’s totally out of character for my daughter to use those degrading words towards someone, else even if she was intoxicated,” he told The Post in a phone interview. “I don’t believe it was handled correctly.”