

Corporate America better watch out – Carl Icahn is now a full-fledged blogger.

The billionaire investor made his first postings yesterday after launching, “The Icahn Report,” over six months ago.

As expected, King Carl takes on America’s “lazy” and “incompetent” corporate directors, who have let their managers get away with murder and then send them packing with large severance packages.

While some readers speculated that Icahn had hired a ghost writer to blog for him, the 72-year-old investor shot down that notion.

“I wrote every damn word of it and that’s why it took so long to put this thing out,” he told The Post.

Most of his stuff was written late at night on a yellow legal pad, Icahn said.

“Many American corporations are dysfunctional because corporate democracy is a myth in the United States,” Icahn said in a post yesterday. “They run like a decaying socialistic state.”

Anyone hoping Icahn’s blog would target specific companies that he’s invested in will be disappointed. There is no mention yet of Internet icon Yahoo!, Motorola or the proxy fight he lost yesterday against the board of Biogen Idec.

“I wanted to get my general thoughts out there first and I’ll write stuff on more specific companies later,” Icahn, who has a reported net worth of $14 billion, told The Post yesterday.

In another one of his seven blog posts yesterday, Icahn describes the way American CEOs rise to the top as “the survival of the unfittest.”

Those familiar with the activist’s many speeches over the years will recognize the anti-Darwinian metaphor.