This just in: Quick links to news

When will Faraday lose the tie on “Lost”?


Start making predictions for the next season of “Lost” by suggesting questions for Dark UFO’s Prediction League. (Sample questions from last year’s pool: What will be the first word spoken in the Season 4 Premiere? In what episode will we first see Walt?)

“The Paper”

Whether you loved or loathed MTV’s “The Paper” editor Amanda Lorber, Gawker has her response to one of her haters, Alexandria Symonds.

Video game-based TV

There are plenty of game shows based on TV shows (“Battlestar Galactica,” “CSI” and “The Simpsons,” to name a few), but now the TV show’s and video game’s storyline will exist in the same universe — at least that’s the idea behind deal between Trion and Sci Fi network.