

Ralph Peters brilliantly details how the media ignore the Iraq war’s gains for political reasons (“Success in Iraq: A Media Blackout,” PostOpinion, May 20).

If Sen. John McCain wins, the freedoms in the Mideast will continue to be unfit to print. But if a Democrat wins, all gains will be attributed to that party.

David Bergstein


Poor Peters – the media are not reporting all the monumental success he claims we are having in Iraq.

Why then isn’t even The Post reporting all these wonderful events that Peters thinks are so crucial for the American public to see?

If, as Peters claims, we are having a positive influence on Iraq, shouldn’t it be celebrated as something outside the norm?

We are, after all, the only superpower on the planet, and we should never have botched things up on such a gigantic scale.

Doug Slotolowicz

Tomkins Cove

Peters is right in saying that the Iraq war has disappeared from the mainstream liberal media.

It reminds me of when the 2004 presidential election was in full swing: The most important thing that the Democrats were touting was John Kerry’s military experience over George Bush’s service record.

Why are these media phonies now silent about military experience when our next race will be between a true military hero, John McCain, and either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

The biggest threat to the American people is not terrorism, it’s our dishonest media.

Dan Galvin
