

THE Post’s 15 Get Fit by Memorial Day challengers have lost a person.

Not a real person, but the participants have lost as much collective fat to equal the weight of a person. For two months, the challengers have been sweating at the New York Sports Club and improving their eating habits through Weight Watchers.

The team has lost nearly 107 pounds in total (that’s what Postie challenger Tiffany actually weighs now!)

PHOTO GALLERY: The Post Gets Fit – Before And After

Feeling fitter, everybody was a winner and everyone gets a prize: A month pass to the Sports Center at Chelsea Piers for some fun activity options such as swimming, rock climbing, golf and basketball.

The two biggest losers – Annie, who lost 16.3 pounds, and Eric, who lost 12 pounds – will each get a pair of New Balance sneakers.

In addition, Annie’s Weight Watchers Online membership will be extended three months, and Eric will receive a three-month membership to the New York Sports Club. The challengers will continue to officially weigh in until the first day of summer.

Cheer them and see the final weigh-in video at

Here’s how everyone did, according to each participant and their trainer, if he or she had one. They’re listed in order of pounds lost.


ANNIE, 59, administrative editor

Height: 5-foot-7

Current weight: 221.5

Lost: 16.3 pounds

Change in BMI: 37.8 to 34.7

Looking back: “The project gave me new incentive to succeed for myself and the group. Having a trainer to reassure me and make sure I wouldn’t hurt myself was comforting.”

Trainer said: “My strength and stamina had improved from one session to the next.”

New goals: “I plan to continue on Weight Watchers and go more often to gym. I’d like to reach 200 pound, then I can be on dancing with the stars! Perhaps Antonio Banderas can be my partner!”

Today’s outfit: “A blue knit dress that hasn’t fit me in 5 years. I was happy and excited to have our last weigh in. I felt like a teenager going to her prom, fussing over my hair and spending a lot of time on makeup. The debutante was being presented! Tee-hee.”


ERIC, 46, editorial designer,

Height: 6-foot-4

Current weight: 216.4 pounds

Lost: 12 pounds

Change in BMI: 27.8 to 26.3

Looking Back: “I feel much better than I did, and went down a belt notch. I’m ready to start lifting heavier weights and really build some definition and bulk – I am supposed to be The Hulk, after all.”

Trainer said: “I made some good progress on the weight increases and lost a good number of pounds. I need to work on core and lower back, focus on stability and keep up the cardio and resistance training.”

New goals: “I also still want to drop up to about 5 or 10 more pounds and lose more weight around my midsection.”

Today’s outfit: “My snug T-shirts shows off my biceps. The Hulk lives.”


TOM, 52, reporter

Height: 5-foot-10

Current weight: 211 pounds

Lost: 11 pounds

Change in BMI: 31.9 to 29.4

Looking back: “I am being much more careful about what and how much I eat. I even skipped birthday cake on my birthday. I’m enjoying running again. I no longer huff and puff as much. That’s a huge relief, both emotionally and physically, since there’s a history of cardiovascular disease in my family.”

New goals : “I’d like to lose 10 more pounds by early summer, but I will try to remain patient. It took me a good 20 years to get this fat, so it might take a year to two to get rid of 40 to 45 pounds.”

Today’s outfit: “Now I don’t feel really, really, really fat. Just kind of fat.”


EVELYN, 36, associate photo editor

Height: 5-foot-4

Current weight: 181.8 pounds

Total loss: 9.4 pounds

Change in BMI: 32.4 to 31.2

Looking back: “I learned a lot about good and bad food. I made a huge effort to stay away from junk and fried foods, and the difference has paid off in the shape of my body but also in the way I feel. I tried for three days a week at the gym, but the reality was two.”

New goals: “To lose 10 pounds in two months and continue my new healthy-living lifestyle. Going to the gym has made me feel better, and I do actually enjoy sweating.”

Today’s outfit: “All the hard work I’ve done is really showing in what I’m wearing.”


AMANDA, 28, features photo editor

Height: 5-foot-7i½

Current weight: 148.4. pounds

Lost: 8.4 pounds

Change in BMI: 24.8 to 23.2

Looking back: “I’m about halfway to reaching my total fitness goal. My jeans fit better. I feel great! I feel more healthy. I’m at the point now where I actually prefer to eat healthier food, and I enjoy working out.”

Trainer said: “I need to work on my posture, which will engage my core.”

New goals: “I’m going to join the NYSC near my home and continue my healthy eating habits to get down to 135-140 range.”

Today’s Outfit: “One of my goals was to feel comfortable enough with my body to wear shorts this summer. I was able to buy size 8 shorts and wear them in the photo shoot, at least!”


NIKKI, 30, assistant art director.

Height: 5-foot-5

Current weight: 148 pounds

Lost: 7.8 pounds

Change in BMI: 25.9 to 24.6

Looking back: “I wanted to lose 40 pounds by age 30, and I began about 18 months ago. And I did it – losing the final 8 in eight weeks. What a difference I feel physically and mentally.”

Trainer said: “She could see a difference in my middle section and could tell that I’m physically stronger.”

New goals: “Keep working out four times per week and continue to be aware of my food choices. I probably will lose about 10 more, at the max, but it’s all about the toning from here on out.”

Today’s outfit: “Months ago, these skinny jeans were a bit tight. Today they fit great and I have no muffin top!”


MACKENZIE, 31, deputy features editor

Height: 5 -foot-2

Current weight: 111 pounds

Lost: 7.6 pounds

Change in BMI: 21.6 to 20.3

Looking back: “Weight Watchers has been helpful, and I learned a lot about portion size – as well as all these foods I used to feel so virtuous eating that I learned actually weren’t so good for me (I thought that quiche was healthy). My workout time is now my favorite part of my day. The exercising has made the biggest difference for me. I feel better all the time and even sleep better.”

Trainer said: “My core was getting stronger.

New goals: “I don’t want to lose any more weight, but push myself a bit more with exercising and continue to tone up.”

Today’s outfit: “A new Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress. These dresses don’t really keep secrets; they’re pretty form-fitting. Before the program, I didn’t like how I looked in these kind of dresses, but now I do.”


JESSICA, 26, photo desk assistant

Height: 5-foot-4

Current weight: 120.2 pounds

Lost: 6.8 pounds

Change in BMI: 21.8 to 20.6

Looking back: “I wanted to lost 5 pounds, so my clothes would fit better, but ended up losing nearly 7 pounds – and now I’ll actually have to get some of my clothes taken in! My eating habits have definitely changed . . . I eat smaller portions and more frequently, and I haven’t binged on chocolate in five days. This is a record, because I can usually only go for two days before I go crazy.”

Trainer said: “I was weak! I’ve gotten a little more endurance now, and I actually really enjoy working out. He showed me a lot of abs/squats/lunge techniques to do at home without the aid of a machine.”

New goals: “Now I know how to push myself a little harder. No more wimpy Jessica!”

Today’s outfit: “Jeans that I bought in the Macy’s juniors department! I love that I can fit into juniors jeans.”


MARY, 46, features reporter

Height: 5-foot-4

Current weight: 125 pounds

Lost: 6 pounds:

Change in BMI: 21.5 to 121.5

Looking back: “My fish/vegetarian diet had room for improvement, such as having an apple instead of sugar-free pudding. I increased the frequency and intensity of my workouts. It all sounds peachy, but it was difficult at times to be disciplined and go the gym or skip the tortellini.”

Trainer said: “Mary’s flatter, in a good way, and gained a lot of muscle.” See her final workout with New York Sports Club trainer James Underwood at

New goals: “To lose 3 more pounds, stay at that weight, increase weekly running mileage and keep exercise fun by adding options (playing tennis or Dance Dance Revolution).”

Today’s Outfit: New white jeans for summer!


TIFFANY, 29, picture researcher

Height: 5-foot-1i½

Current weight: 107.4 pounds

Lost: 5.6 pounds

Change in BMI: 21 to 20.3

Looking back: “I feel great about being an official ‘gym buff’ and am happy with my healthy food outlook.”

Trainer said: “I’m better with posture and have more endurance and balance, so I can work out better. I have a lot less stress on my shoulders and am not as tense as I was for the first training session.”

New goals: “Continuing to go to gym.”

Today’s outfit: “A go-go dress. It used to be tight on me to the point it looked like a long, tight shirt, so I had to wear pants with this dress. Now it looks much looser on me and makes me look skinny, the way I feel inside.”

40 X 40 GUY

ISAAC, 40, Sunday features editor

Height: 5-foot-10

Current weight: 230 pounds

Lost: 5 pounds

Change in BMI: 33.7 to 33

Looking back: “I got halfway to my goal of 10 pounds, which helped me refocus on my ongoing work to lose 40 pounds (I’ve lost 20 pounds altogether). Weight Watchers’ online tools really helped me put my daily food intake in perspective.”

New goals: “To lose 10 more pounds by the end of summer, and then the last 10 by the end of the year.”

Today’s outfit: “In the picture from last year, I’m wearing size 40 jeans, an extra-large shirt and a XXL T-shirt. Today I’m in my new size-large shirts and tees, as well as a pair of size 36 slacks that I haven’t been able to wear for about two years.”


RAAKHEE, 26, reporter

Height: 5-foot-7

Current weight: 135.6 pounds

Lost: 4.2 pounds

Change in BMI: 21.9 to 21.2

Looking back: “I stuck to my workout goals, actually moving my body in ways I never thought possible in these past eight weeks. Since I started this journey a year ago, I lost 24 pounds and went from a size 10/12 to a 6/8.”

New goals: “Will I keep going to the gym? No way. But I will definitely be exercising two-three times a week, that’s for sure – lifting weights at home, walking, jogging, jumping rope and getting out of the subway one stop earlier, every time!”

Today’s outfit: “My goal was to wear hot pants by summer, so here I’m wearing short shorts. It’s the summer of sass.”


MICHELLE, 35, metro editor

Height: 5-foot-2

Current weight: 116.2 pounds

Lost: 3.8 pounds

Change in BMI: 21.9, unchanged.

Looking back: “I really just cut down a little, and realized by doing that I could lose about half a pound a week.”

New goal: “Bikini! I’m going to step it up a bit now, with summer around the corner.”


LISA, 31, reporter

Height: 5-foot-1

Current weight: 120 pounds

Lost: 2 pounds

Change in BMI: 23.0 to 22.7

Looking back: “I am disappointed in my lack of huge weight loss. However, I’ve been told that I ‘look’ better, and I do feel like I’m on the road to getting my pre-baby body back.”

Trainer said: “She was impressed with my level of fitness.”

New goal: “Though I may not have the time and energy to work out the way I did pre-baby, I am committed to getting four good workouts each week.”

Today’s outfit: “Honestly, it was the only thing clean. I’m still a new mom, after all!”


BETH, 25, editorial designer

Height: 5-foot-8

Current weight: 143.4 pounds

Lost: .6 pounds

Change in BMI: 21.9, unchanged

Looking back: “I definitely feel better because I’ve been exercising more frequently. By adding more cardio classes, I’ve made my clothes fit better.

Trainer said: “My arms are more toned than two months ago. My big weakness, and what I need to work on, is my core – abs, obliques and back.”

New goals: “I definitely plan to keep up what I’ve been doing and start using some of the exercises my trainer showed me. Adding more ab work and using the fitness ball and bands, I’ve jumpstarted a stale program.”

Today’s outfit: “A fitted shirt to show off a flatter tummy and my improved muscle tone in my arms.”


*Body Mass Index: The BMI for a person in the “normal weight” range is between 18.5 and 24.9.