

* Aren’t Joba Chamberlain’s fist-pumping antics similar to the home run show Manny Ramirez performs when hitting? We’re constantly reminded that it’s just Manny being Manny. I’m guessing this is Joba just being Joba. Right?


Sayre, Pa.

* I wonder how many of the fans knocking Joba Chamberlain for displaying too much emotion also knocked Eli Manning for not showing enough – and how many of them express the “perfect, exactly correct” amount of emotion in every aspect of their own lives?


Plainview, N.Y.

* It’s too bad Joba Chamberlain hung his head when David Dellucci hit a game winning home run against him. Maybe he would have learned to show some class in victory or defeat.


Fishkill, N.Y.

Willie won’t stop

* Willie Randolph’s most recent comments about Mets fans have ignited a firestorm. Randolph complained that the negativity of Mets fans is a drag on his team because we haven’t forgotten about last year’s collapse. It’s a lot more than that. It’s losing to the Yankees in the 2000 World Series. It’s losing on a ninth inning home run in the 2004 playoffs. It’s watching the bullpen blow leads time after time. It’s watching pitchers throw near no-hitters one day, then walk 10 batters the next. It’s trading Scott Kazmir for Victor Zambrano. It’s a cement truck dumping its load on top of us. Year after year after year . . .



* Wake up, Willie Randolph. It’s not the fans, it’s you! On behalf of all long suffering Mets fans, go back to the Yankees, your time in Queens is over. The Mets have clearly had a better team than the Yankees the past three years and what do we have to show for it, three more years of being treated like second-class citizens. Maybe if you stopped managing games in April like they are the seventh game of the World Series, the bullpen would have something left for the end of the year. Good job, by insulting the fans all you have done is pave the way for “Fire Willie” chants. By the way how did that work out for Isiah Thomas and the Knicks?


New York

* In any relationship, including fans and their team, there has to be trust. Right now, Mets fans do not trust this team because if they really wanted to put last year’s collapse to bed, they would be playing with a sense of purpose and effort for this season that I just don’t see right now. I can count on one hand the Mets players who seem to put in an honest effort on a nightly basis. Willie Randolph is foolish for even trying to start an “us versus the fans” scenario. Stop making excuses and start winning games. Period.



Official defeat

* The Rangers lose to the refs in overtime! The series against the Penguins was a joke from the start. Whether anyone is willing to admit it, virtually every slanted call went against the Rangers – including the obvious offside OT goal scored by Marian Hossa in Game 5. I wouldn’t be surprised if the league is trying to get their supposed superstar, Sydney Crosby, into the finals at any cost. Tom Renney should take the $50,000 fine and let the league and the media know the Rangers wuz robbed! I bleed Rangers blue and now I’m feeling black and blue from a poorly refereed series.


Hartsdale, N.Y.

* The Rangers let me down. Nothing more needs to be said.


Hillsborough, N.H.