US News


JACK JORDAN will stalk again. Count on it.

Sounding like a cross between a high-school principal and a creepy camp counselor – on crack – the man accused of terrorizing movie star Uma Thurman tried yesterday to explain to the world that he was just a harmless fool in love.

He failed miserably.

He will strike again.

And we’ll all ask, “Why?”

Jordan sat in the exact spot where a day earlier the love of his life recounted in miserable detail how he’d turned her days upside down. Sadly, Jordan has already won.

He seemed to take a fiendish delight in controlling the lives of people far more important than he, an unemployed tutor and pool cleaner who lived in his parents’ Maryland basement, a grownup who said, repeatedly, “I love the company of teenagers.”

In about 2004, voices his in head told him he had a special bond with the “Kill Bill” star.

“I felt I had met a kindred spirit, in a sense,” he testified “It was almost as if Uma was courting me. We were engaged in a game of cat and mouse.”

Sleeping in his car by night, stalking Uma by day, he called her mother and brother and threatened suicide if he couldn’t meet her. He sent her a childlike drawing depicting a razor blade and an open grave, thinking she’d find it “funny.” She didn’t.

Here’s the truly sick part: He was hospitalized but freed after just a few months – angrier and bolder than ever.

Peter Braunstein was once shipped to Bellevue for stalking but was let go. Then he dressed up as a fireman and sexually terrorized a woman.

Paul Cortez, a lovestruck loon, murdered the object of his desire, Catherine Woods.

Jordan faces just a year in jail and can’t be forced to take his meds. Had he stalked someone less well known, he wouldn’t register on the radar. He’s a ticking time bomb no one can hear – until it’s too late.