Are they avoidable?

The box below contains nine spaces. Draw your own boxes on a seperate piece of paper. In each space, write an example of how you use energy in the course of a typical day. Feel free to work in groups and share examples. As you complete the grid, consider any appliance that needs electricity, and any activity that burns fuel, gas or coal.

Examine your list. Which of these are necessities, needed to maintain life itself ? Which of these are luxuries, things that enhance life? Is there a difference between needs and wants?

Which items would you be willing or able to give up if it would improve air quality and reduce the rate of global warming? Which items are necessities in the life of your family?

Now consider this: every activity that uses energy sends carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Every item on

your list adds, in a small way, to global CO2. Both the burning of coal to make electricity and the burning of gas to run engines emit CO2, water vapor, and ozone-three greenhouse gases.

Burning one gallon of gas in a car, for example, puts as much as 20 lbs. of CO2 into the air; the average car contributes about five tons of CO2 to the atmosphere annually.

Americans contribute disproportionately to the world’s CO2 output. Although we are only 5% of the world’s

population, we contribute 20% of its CO2.

Think Green

In the last few years, the word green has taken a new meaning. It’s now synonymous with environmental or


Products in the supermarket, for example, use the word on their label to indicate low impact on the environment.

A European political party, the Greens, advocates environmental concerns as its foremost priority.

Some “green” thinkers are touting the use of alternative fuels. Those aren’t made from petroleum (oil). They may be made from natural gas or alcohol or hydrogen or corn or even plant or animal fat (biodiesel fuel).

We may someday be able to heat and cool our homes with alternative fuels. And, cars are huge polluters so when cars burn alternative fuels, they pollute less. That’s why some people have turned to hybrid vehicles. The word hybrid means two or more things mixed together.

Hybrid vehicles may use two forms of energy – gas and electricity. They use less gas and pollute less.

Hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular with new models coming out each year. They are more expensive than gas-only cars but some people are willing to pay more to drive “green.”

The ultimate in “green” thinking may be an activity involving something green. It’s one of the easiest environmentally friendly activities. It’s planting a tree.

Trees “inhale” carbon dioxide. A fast-growing tree can recycle almost 50 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.

One scientist estimated that planting 100 million trees in U.S. cities would shade streets and homes cutting

air conditioning costs by $4 billion every year.

Consider the energy-related activities listed below. In the space next to each, place a plus sign (+) if you

believe that activity increases CO2 emissions, a minus (-) sign if you believe it decreases them.

1. ____ Recycling aluminum cans

2. ____ Planting shade trees around houses

3. ____ Using a car’s air conditioner

4. ____ Leaving house’s front door open in winter

5. ____ Closing window shades and curtains at night

6. ____ Leaving TV running when no one is watching

7. ____ Burning leaves in your backyard

8. ____ Keeping car tires inflated

9. ____ Taking a bus to school

10. ____ Washing clothing in cold water

Written by Mike Weilbacher. Anthony R. Wood, Consulting writer. The Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, provided information and assistance. Copyright © 2006 Hot Topics Hot Serials