3 DOWN: Duque, Va. Tech and Bonds

1. Orlando Hernandez topped out at 81 mph in his simulated game. Met officials will spin this by saying it is early still or that Hernandez does not need top-end velocity, relying instead on his variety of pitches and arm angles. But do the Mets really believe they can win with the right-handed version of Jamie Moyer? And if they don’t, is it possible that the team that traded for Johan Santana might need to trade for another starter?

2. This was a nice thing the Yankees did at Virginia Tech, a reminder that sports teams and players – if they chose – can make a very positive impact on society.

3. A story appeared yesterday to say the Players Association will look into if there is collusion to keep Barry Bonds from even receiving an offer as a free agent. Good. I think a union should always be diligent in such matters. But is it really hard to believe that you can make a case that Bonds, while still potentially productive, is not someone a team wants to get into business with since he is a 43-year-old who has been breaking down, has one of the worst reputations in sports history and who you know will attract all the worst kind of attention to your organization?