Weird But True


This birdie landed one PGA golfer in the hoosegow.

Tripp Isenhour was charged with cruelty to animals for allegedly killing a protected migratory hawk on purpose – with a deadly accurate drive.

Isenhour allegedly teed off at the bird as it shrieked while circling over an Orlando course just as the golfer was trying to tape a segment for a television program.


Sounds like this Elvis impersonator was a little too good at channeling The King.

David Blaidsdell was charged with contempt of court when he allegedly showed up for a hearing in Kentucky dead drunk and sporting sunglasses and a rhinestone-studded shirt and scarf.

Blaisdell – who was there on charges of stalking – told the judge he had had a few drinks the night before.


The politically correct folks of Southern California have unleashed the speech police – banning cursing in Pasadena.

It won’t land anyone in jail, but is merely a bid to “elevate the level of discourse,” said Mayor Michael Cacciotti.

“It provides us a reminder to be more civil,” he said.

A 14-year-old boy originally proposed the ban – which is only temporary – for which he will surely be beaten repeatedly by his classmates while they curse at him.


If tropical illness is your bag, head to Seattle.

The Seattle Biomedical Research Institute is offering $4,000 to volunteers who will allow malaria-infected mosquitoes to bite them.

The institute is testing a new malaria vaccine. The head of the program says the volunteers will be under medical observation for several days.


An Italian man says his wife is such a nag, he can no longer raise his flag.

So Sergio Vinucci is demanding nearly $300,000 in compensation for being left impotent.

“All she ever does is complain. It is extremely stressful and it has left me unable to be a man. I want some compensation,” he said.