US News


A third woman yesterday filed a $50 million lawsuit against Manhattan moneyman Jeffrey Epstein, claiming he sexually assaulted her during a “massage” at his Florida mansion.

The suit says the attack occurred when she was just 16 and was lured by another woman to Epstein’s Palm Beach house with a promise of several hundred dollars for giving him a rubdown.

“Epstein has a sexual preference and obsession for underage minor girls,” said the Miami federal court suit by the woman, now 19, who is identified only as “Jane Doe No. 3.

“He engaged in a plan and scheme in which he gained access to primarily economically disadvantaged minor girls in his home, sexually assaulted these girls, and then gave them money.”

The woman’s lawyer, Jeffrey Herman, said the assault occurred while she was giving a massage to Epstein, who masturbated during the encounter.

Herman represents the two other purported victims, who likewise were underage at the time of the alleged assaults.

One of them – just 14 at the time – withdrew her suit last month amid an argument over her father’s right to file it on her behalf. Herman said she intends to soon file suit herself.

Epstein’s lawyer, Guy Lewis, called the latest action “another copycat lawsuit.”

“This one repeats the identical allegations of the [other] lawsuits, including the absurd demand for $50 million.”

Epstein is expected to plead guilty to soliciting an underage prostitute.