Weird But True


A deputy sheriff was caught with his pants down when he unintentionally fired his handgun in a courthouse bathroom during lunch hour.

Dean Wawers, 57, of Fargo, ND, hung his weapon on a hook by its trigger guard but the trigger got caught.

When he reached for it, one shot went off into the ceiling. No one was hurt.

Wawers will be suspended for eight days without pay.


Cops arrested a man they suspected of drunken driving – and four hours he sneaked back into his car and crashed it.

Daniel Corbett, 56, was picked up for DWI in Moscow, Pa., at 2 a.m. by Lackawanna County cops. He was then released into his sister’s custody and she took away his car keys.

But Corbett managed to find them, because at 6 a.m. he crashed his car into a state Department of Transportation vehicle.


A relaxing end-of-week cigarette turned into a stressful beginning to the weekend for a man in Westchester.

Michael Frattaralo lit up while driving home from work in his 2005 Chevrolet Impala, not realizing that the valve on the welding tank he had just put in the trunk was still open.

The blast blew off the back half of his car and sent metal and glass flying everywhere.

Frattaralo escaped with minor cuts, burns and a broken leg.


A Singapore college professor has pleaded guilty to stealing women’s panties from a university dormitory.

The 39-year-old prof was busted outside the dorm by campus security guards.

His lawyer defended the professor’s actions, saying his client meant no harm but suffers from a psychiatric disorder, which since age 14 has made him compulsively steal women’s underwear.


Will it come in pink or blue?

Sweden plans to introduce unisex underwear for hospital patients in order to save money.

Sweden’s hospitals currently use four different models of underwear, two for men and two for women, but will save money by buying one type in bulk quantities.