

CLEARWATER, Fla. – Everywhere Ryan Howard turned, people wanted to dig into his pockets.

Howard’s bank account just skyrocketed like one of those home runs he deposits into the upper deck. Baseball’s best bargain finally will be getting big bucks.

Howard won his salary arbitration case against the Phillies yesterday when he was awarded $10 million, the highest figure given a victorious player.

Now teammates expect him to pay for their meals and pick up the tab on their nights out.

“My reaction is mostly relief,” Howard said. “It was an interesting process. Anyway you look at it, it’s a win-win because it’s a substantial raise.”

Howard made $900,000 last year and $355,000 during his MVP season in 2006. Howard tied the record for the highest salary awarded in arbitration, received by Alfonso Soriano in his losing case against the Nationals in 2006. Soriano had sought $12 million.

The Phillies had offered $7 million, but Howard became the first player to win in six arbitration cases this season. Angels reliever Francisco Rodriguez will either tie the arbitration record or break it after going to a hearing yesterday. Rodriguez, eligible for free agency after this season, asked for a raise from $7.1 million to $12.5 million. The Angels argued for $10 million. Rodriguez and Mets pitcher Oliver Perez are the only remaining arbitration cases. – AP