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Not since Tom Cruise jumped onto Oprah’s couch declaring his love to now-wife Katie Holmes has the actor appeared so looney.

A new video leaked onto the Internet shows the “Mission Impossible” star spouting off his love for Scientology.

The video comes on the wheels of an unauthorized biography by Andrew Morton which claims that some believe Cruise’s daughter, Suri, is the spawn of Scientology founder Ron L. Hubbard. few choice tidbits from the video:

Scientologists like to learn:

“Now is the time. Being a Scientologist, people are turning to you, so you better know it. You better know it. And if you don’t, go learn it. But don’t pretend you know it — or whatever — we’re here to help.

Scientologists have different vision:

“If you’re a scientologist, you see things they way they are, in all its glory, in all its complexity.”

Scientologists don’t go on vacation:

“I’d like to go on vacation and just romp and play and do that. That’s what I want it to be … but I can’t. Because I know. I know. So I have to do something about it. … You can sit here and wish it was different. You know I have to do something, don’t I? Because I can’t live with myself if I don’t.”

Scientologists can’t half-ass things:

“You’re either contributing everything you can, or you’re not. Because I’m carrying my load. And as much as I’m carrying, I still feel like I gotta do more.”

“I do what I can and I do it the way I do everything [laughs maniacally]. There’s nothing part of the way for me [slaps knee]. It’s just whoooo [moves hand upward in rocket motion].”

They are easily identifiable:

“You can see the look in their eyes, you know the ones who are doing it. And you know the spectators, the ones who are going, ‘It’s easy for you’ … I’ve cancelled that in my area of my mind [laughs maniacally]. So it’s our responsibility to educate, create the new reality. We have that responsibility to say, ‘Hey, this is how it should be done.'”

They like it rough:

“I have to tell you something, it’s rough and tumble and it’s wild and wooly and it’s a blast. It’s a blast. It really is — fun. Because damnit, there’s nothing better than going out there and fighting the fight and then you see things are better [cheeks flushed].”