US News


Adorable 3-year-olds Marley Krantz, Dante Diez and Avril Rose Tully take advantage of the warm winter weather yesterday as they enjoy a spin along the East River’s new promenade.

The promenade, which quietly opened to the public last month, stretches six blocks from East Sixth to East 12th streets.

Bikers and joggers spent the afternoon in nearly record high 64-degree weather – a remarkable 27 degrees above average.

“We’ve been riding our bikes here all week,” said Antonio Castro, 26, who was out with his 3-year-old son, Saul.

“This is the perfect weather to be out here. It’s beautiful.”

Saul didn’t expect to be riding the brand-new bike he got for Christmas this early in the year, Dad said.

The promenade is not quite finished, but will be by spring, a Parks Department spokesman said yesterday. When complete, the area will have new playgrounds, a soccer field, chess tables and more.

The city will host a grand-opening party at the promenade in April, the spokesman said.

“We can’t wait for the weather to heat up permanently,” said Antonio Castro. “I will come out here every day when that happens.”