US News


The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board yesterday issued a waiver allowing Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff to continue working on two major city projects – even though they involve a developer he’ll have to deal with when he becomes president of Bloomberg LP, the mayor’s media company.

The board allowed Doctoroff to remain involved in the Moynihan station and Hudson Yards projects until his departure on Jan. 11 despite the fact that Vornado Realty – the landlord of Bloomberg LP – has roles in both.

Bloomberg LP will soon be negotiating for additional space at its headquarters at 731 Lexington Ave., a building owned by Vornado, the board revealed.

Citing “extraordinary circumstances,” the conflicts board said Doctoroff could continue negotiating the Moynihan and Hudson Yards developments.

The board said Doctoroff could stay on as long as he didn’t deal with Vornado for at least one year after he left the city payroll.

Doctoroff, a wealthy investment banker who took a salary of only $1 a year while on the city payroll, worked as deputy mayor for economic development for the past six years. He announced on Dec. 6 he was leaving the post.