Here’s a look at this unique, cultural holiday celebration.

KWANZAA is a relatively new holiday tradition which was founded in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga. It is not a religious holiday andis sometimes mistaken as a substitute for Christmas.

However Kwanzaa, which begins on December 26 and continues through January 1, is a celebration of African-American culture, ancestors and values. The word “Kwanzaa” means first fruits of the harvest in Swahili. Today, millions of people worldwide celebrate Kwanzaa.

The holiday is based on the Nguzo Saba which are seven guiding principles. They are:

Umoja (oo-MO-jah) Unity.

This principle emphasizes the

importance of togetherness in

the family and the community.

Kujichagulia (koo-gee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Self determination. This emphasizes the need to make decisions that are best for the family and community.

Ujima (oo-GEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility. This reminds us to look at our past, present and future to help us in our community and in the world.

Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah) Cooperative Economics. The reminds us to support each other and use collective economic strength to help meet the needs of the community.

Nia (NEE-yah) Purpose. This encourages us to set personal goals that will help thecommunity at large

Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah)

Creativity. This principal teaches us to use our creative energy to build a stronger community.

Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Faith. This encourages us to honor the best in ourselves and to strive to reach even higher levels of success.

The Kwanzaa celebration uses a Kinara. This is similar to but not to be confused with a Menorah. The Kinara holds seven candles, three green, placed on the right; three red placed on the left; and one black, placed in the center. Each one reflects a different principle.

On the first day, the black center candle (Umoja) is lit. It is then used to light the others. If you can’t buy a Kinara, you can use the principal of Kuumba (Creativity) to make one using a sturdy piece of driftwood and seven screws to hold the candles. Get an adult to help.

In addition to the Kinara, you’ll also need the following:

Mkeka – a placemat made of straw or basket

Mazao – fruits and vegetables)

Vibunzi/Muhindi – ears of corn, one for each child in the household

Kikomba cha umoja (a communal cup)

Mishumaa saba – seven candles, 3 green, 3 red and 1 black

Zawadi – gifts

In the spirit of the holiday, you should have African-inspired decorations. Gift should be

educational or artistic and are usually given on January 1, the last day of Kwanzaa.

Kwanzaa celebrations are held at home or at a school, church or community center. The Kwanzaa feast is held on New Year’s Eve and includes the Kukaribisha

(Welcoming); Kukumbuka

(Remembering); the introduction of a guest speaker or a short talk; and Kishangilia (Rejoicing).

During the Tamshi la Tambiko(Libation Statement) a libation, usually water in the communal cup is poured in four directions, north, south, east and west, in memory of those who have died. The cup is then passed among the group.

The Kwanzaa buffet might include chicken, beef or lamb dishes and favorites like collard greens and sweet potatoes.

Libation Statement

For The Motherland cradle of civilization.

For the ancestors and their indomitable spirit

For the elders from whom we can learn much.

For our youth who represent the promise for tomorrow.

For our people the original people.

For our struggle and in remembrance of those who have struggled on our behalf. ?

For Umoja the principle of unity which should guide us in all that we do.

For the creator who provides all things great and small.


Use the Internet or other reference source to learn more about the African-American Kwanzaa holiday.


CREATE a Kwanzaa card. Remember to use the red, black and green color scheme and include the principles of the holiday.


THE Kwanzaa principles are good to remember all year long. Write an essay on how you can include them in your everyday life.


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