The capital and largest city of Spain is full of culture and history.

The first settlements in Madrid date back to 1000 B.C., when it was a village, occupied by Iberian and Celtic tribes. Its origins can be traced back to the Moors. Located in the center of Spain, it was used as a thoroughfare to other areas of the country.

Madrid as we know it originated with Arabs. Emir Mohamed I, a Muslim, ordered the first important construction of the town, complete with a fortress and wall to protect it from attacks by Christians. The development of the town was stagnated for nearly 300 years by these attacks.

In 1086, Alfonso VI conquered Madrid and destroyed most of the evidence of Arab occupation. The future capital city was not yet an important part of the Spanish kingdom.

In the 14th century, although Madrid was still a small town, its importance was recognized, and it eventually became the seat of the royal court. By the 15th century, Madrid began to attract important nobles and state officials.

Christopher Columbus, an Italian sailing for Spain in 1492, reported the findings of the Americas to the royal court at Madrid. Other Spanish explorers later came to the New World, drawn by the lure of undiscovered wealth. Vast amounts of gold kept by the native people were confiscated and used to finance the city.

Madrid was declared the capital of the Spanish Empire in 1561.

In 1700, Felipe V was king of Spain, and under his reign, many buildings, monuments and other architectural projects were constructed in Madrid. Many of the Baroque masterpieces were built during this time. Despite this, however, the monarchs wanted more.

In 1759, Charles III was crowned. He completely remodeled the city. Among his triumphs were Neptune’s Fountain and the Grand Puerta de Alcala.

On May 2, 1808, Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Madrid. The citizens tried in vain to fight the French troops.

The center square, named Plaza Dos de Mayo, is named in honor of the resistance.

The end of the 19th century brought political instability and economic challenges to Madrid. Napoleon’s invasion was the start of a period of decline. His brother, Joseph, continued to destroy the city. He ordered that all churches and buildings that he deemed a threat to France be destroyed. When Fernando VII took over, the Spanish monarch began to rebuild everything that had been lost.

During the second reconstructive period of Madrid, the city began to regain its splendor. But the end of the 19th century was marked by a sense of defeat, as Spain lost control of the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico, which were the last remaining colonies of the Spanish Empire.

In 1931, Madrid celebrated the victory of the Republicans after dictator Primo de Rivera stepped down from power, but people were still fiercely divided in their loyalties. Civil war broke out in 1936, after Gen. Francisco Franco’s unsuccessful attempt at a coup against the Republic. The war lasted for three years, ending with Franco’s forces seizing the capital.

Madrid slowly began to recover from the damage done by the war. Its skyline and streets changed dramatically. Elegant avenues became commercial streets, and wealthy neighborhoods were taken over by banks.

The city’s metro system has been expanded and the city now has parks, trees and fountains on nearly every street. The KIO Towers are perhaps the best representation of modern Madrid.

The city remains famous for its museums and nightlife. It’s one of Europe’s largest and liveliest cities. The Plaza Mayor is a must-see.


Use the Internet or other reference source to learn more about the history of Madrid.

Use a globe or map to locate the city.

CHOOSE a character mentioned in today’s lesson or one you find during your own research. Write a short essay on how they influenced Madrid. Did they help or hurt

the city?

Today’s lesson fulfills the

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ELA 1c, 3c, 3d, 4a, 4b, 5a

Social Studies Standards 2 and 3