US News


Lohan vs. Lohan reached a merciful conclusion in a Long Island courtroom yesterday as Lindsay’s famously warring parents finally agreed on a divorce settlement.

Lawyers for both sides in Nassau County Family Court said that Michael and Dina Lohan should have their split finalized in 90 days as papers are drafted and signed.

Dina Lohan, who was whisked away in a white BMW after court, said she was relieved to have the affair behind her.

“The healing process can begin for my children and myself,” she said behind sunglasses.

She said her actress daughter Lindsay, who was arrested last month in Santa Monica, Calif., on suspicion of driving under the influence and cocaine possession, is doing “fantastic.”

And she wasn’t kidding. The “Parent Trap” actress was spied bicycling – looking healthy and carefree – at her posh rehab center in Utah.

Even her disaster of a dad, Michael, was in good spirits. Accompanied by his pastor, the newly Bible-thumping Mr. Lohan smiled as he left court and praised his maker.

“I thank God it’s finally settled,” he said, adding that he hopes to resume healthy relations with his children.

Judge Robert Ross contributed to the air of good feeling in court as he praised the two sides. “You have demonstrated to me extraordinarily good judgment in resolving this matter as you did,” he said.

Despite the resolution, the couple didn’t exchange a word yesterday.

The Lohans must still hash out visitation rights for their two youngest children – Dakota, 10, and Aliana, 13 – in a separate Family Court proceeding scheduled for Sept. 6. Because Lindsay, 21, and her brother Michael, 19, are adults, they are not subject to any custody mandates.