US News


The Big Apple is back to normal.

The precautionary police checkpoints set up across the city Friday night in response to an unverified al Qaeda terror threat were called off at about noon yesterday, police said.

But the NYPD is still engaging in its everyday counterterrorism monitoring, spokesman Paul Browne said.

Hundreds of anti-terrorism officers were deployed Friday to such sensitive areas as the Holland and Lincoln tunnels to conduct searches and monitor suspicious activity.

This came after DEBKAfile, an Israel-based Web site, reported that al Qaeda was planning to attack New York City “by means of trucks loaded with radioactive material.”

DEBKAfile, which tries to report on the inside workings of al Qaeda cells, claimed that the terrorist organization was miffed that the federal government had not taken seriously enough some threats made by the group on the previous Sunday.

American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn had threatened that U.S. embassies would be attacked.