


A double-parked motorist assaulted a traffic agent after throwing a slice of pizza at her in Kensington, authorities said yesterday.

The violence began at 2:10 p.m. Tuesday, when the agent spotted Hugh Smith’s 1995 Ford double-parked with its hazard lights blinking at Coney Island Avenue and Albemarle Road, cops said.

As the agent scanned the vehicle’s window-sticker registration with a handheld computer, Smith, 32, ran up, cursed at her, and hurled the pizza slice, authorities said.

Then he allegedly struck the agent on the arm with his hand and threatened to shoot her.

Police arrested Smith, who was charged with assault, menacing and harassment.

A thug who slashed a drag queen in Bedford-Stuyvesant was arrested after being shot in a later incident, authorities said yesterday.

Pashawn Smith, 29, was shot in the back by an unknown assailant at an undisclosed location Tuesday.

Afterward, he was busted on an assault charge in the drag-queen case after a detective at Woodhull Hospital overheard a witness to the shooting mention Smith’s name in connection with the slashing, sources said.

On May 20, Smith allegedly began mocking the 21-year-old drag queen entering his Willoughby Avenue apartment building.

The drag queen cursed back at him.

Later that evening, Smith encountered the victim a second time, and allegedly used a razor blade to slash him in the head, causing non-life-threatening injuries.

A scissors-wielding thug was busted for roughing up a worker and injuring a witness at a Bedford-Stuyvesant outreach program, authorities said yesterday.

Kimberly Romero, 23, repeatedly shoved the employee in a Lewis Avenue building after she was told to leave at closing time at around 2 p.m. Monday, cops said.

Romero then allegedly hurled a pair of scissors at the employee, but a witness deflected the weapon and cut his hand, resulting in a minor injury.

Romero was busted on charges of assault, menacing and harassment.


A mugger was arrested for snatching a chain from around a man’s neck on a Greenwich Village street, authorities said yesterday.

Raheem Edwards, 26, of Brownsville, Brooklyn, approached the 22-year-old victim at Christopher and Hudson streets at 7 p.m. last Friday and struck up a conversation with him, the Manhattan DA’s Office said.

Suddenly, Edwards ripped off the man’s chain and tried to flee, but the victim held Edwards until police arrived.


New details have emerged in a Ridgewood bank robbery in which a thief made off with $3,500 after threatening to firebomb the branch.

The thief walked into the Commerce branch on Fresh Pond Road at about 5 p.m. on April 2 and passed a teller a demand note.

It read, “This is a firebomb. It is cell-controlled. You have 45 seconds to fill the bag from the time I touch my hat. Put twenties, tens and fives in a bag fast.”

The suspect placed a bag containing a hoax device on a counter, and the teller handed over stacks of cash with a dye pack nestled inside.

After the robber fled, the dye pack exploded, sending bills into the air.

A Latin Kings member was arrested after he and three cohorts robbed a 12-year-old boy on a Jackson Heights street, authorities said yesterday.

Hassan Syed, 16, and his teen accomplices confronted the victim at 91st Street and 34th Avenue at 4:15 p.m. on May 2, sources said.

One asked the victim for the time as a ploy to get him to take out his Sidekick phone.

Another accomplice claimed he had a gun, swiped the phone and handed it to Syed, sources said.

The foursome fled, but police tracked down the three accomplices the same day.

Syed was arrested Tuesday on a robbery charge.

A pervert was arrested for exposing himself aboard an elevated train in Jackson Heights, authorities said yesterday.

A woman saw Salvador Tigre, 43, unzip his pants and expose himself aboard a Manhattan-bound No. 7 train.

When the train arrived at Hunters Point Avenue, the victim alerted a station-booth clerk who called police, and Tigre was charged with public lewdness, said a spokeswoman for DA Richard Brown.


A special-ed student was arrested for assaulting a teacher at South Richmond HS, authorities said yesterday.

Kennan Wiggins, 16, attempted to leave the school on Hylan Boulevard in Richmond Valley at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday without permission, sources said.

When a teacher tried to stop him, Wiggins went berserk and kicked the victim in the shin.

Police arrested Wiggins, who was charged with assault, according to a spokesman for DA Daniel Donovan.

Police nabbed a crook who allegedly stole $500 from his business partner after he deposited a forged check at a bank in the Staten Island Mall, authorities said yesterday.

Daniel Bono, 41, allegedly ripped off the check from his partner’s mail, endorsed it with a forged signature and deposited it into his own account at a Washington Mutual branch at 6:30 p.m. on May 10.

After receiving his bank statement, the partner discovered the theft and contacted police, who arrested Bono Tuesday.

Bono was charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument and possession of stolen property.