US News


The brother of slain City Councilman James Davis, who was gunned down in City Hall in 2003, said yesterday the use of the term “assassination” by Councilman Charles Barron’s aide was “heartbreaking.”

“Today I read the New York Post and I am devastated by Viola Plummer’s comments. For her to have uttered such a statement only yards away from where my brother, the late Honorable James E. Davis, was murdered is heartbreaking,” said Geoffrey Davis.

“It is my hope that my friend, Charles Barron, can explain to my family and I how Ms. Plummer’s use of the word ‘assassination’ in City Hall can be justified,” he said.

Plummer, chief of staff for Barron, was quoted on the Web site Thursday ranting against Queens Councilman Leroy Comrie, who abstained from the vote for a failed proposal to rename a Brooklyn street after black activist Sonny Carson.

“If it takes an assassination of his ass, he will not be borough president of the borough in which I live,” Plummer said of Comrie.

Barron said he was shocked that Davis was so offended.

“I spoke to Geoffrey Davis earlier and I told him that it was a bogus comment,” he told The Post. “He’s taken this way out of context, she never threatened Comrie’s life, just his political life.”

Comrie rejected the excuse that the comment was aimed only at his political career.

“She has just gone too far, especially in a body where we have had an assassination,” he said.
