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A family of Long Island lunkheads tried to turn the Magic Kingdom into the Wild Kingdom, police said.

Five young people from Shirley were busted at Disney World after they drunkenly spat and cursed at other patrons, then scuffled with cops, who had to use a Taser gun to subdue an out-of-control teenage girl, police said.

Security workers at the Orlando, Fla., theme park said they approached the suspects – four teenage brothers and sisters and the 20-year-old girlfriend of the oldest sibling – after receiving complaints Sunday night that the group had been harassing people near the Space Mountain roller coaster.

They were taken to the park’s security office, where they allegedly began to threaten the staff, prompting a call to the sheriff’s office.

When a deputy arrived, he spotted the oldest man in the group – Brian Guilfoil, 19 – bumping his chest against a security guard and cursing, according to the police report.

As the deputy walked between the two, all hell broke loose. Guilfoil pushed him and the four others jumped on top of him and began punching, cops said.

“I was punched in the face with closed fists several times by all defendants. I defended myself by throwing counterpunches in their faces and bodies in an attempt to break free,” the officer wrote in his report.

A deputy then grabbed 17-year-old Nicole Guilfoil – who stands 4-foot-11 and weighs 95 pounds – and forced her to the ground. As he attempted to subdue her, the four others allegedly attacked him, setting her free.

She then punched the cop again, forcing him to blast her with the stun gun, the report stated.

After that, the others were subdued and arrested. Brian Guilfoil and his girlfriend, Rose DiPietro, 20, were charged with battery against a police officer and resisting arrest. They were released on Monday on $2,300 bond.

Nicole Guilfoil, a senior at Longwood HS, and her younger brother, 14, and sister, 16, were charged as juveniles.

The family has been barred from all Disney parks and resorts.

“Behavior like this is not tolerated,” spokeswoman Zoraya Suarez said.