

‘World’ issue of note ABC’s top-rated “World News” airs a special series to night and tomorrow (6:30/ Ch. 7) on “Slavery in Amer ica: Living in the Shadows,” an expose from Justice Dept. correspondent Pierre Thomas on the human traf ficking industry.

Talk about timing; The Post last week reported the story of a Long Island husband- and-wife team allegedly hold ing two Indonesian women as slaves in their mansion the past five years.

And Ann Curry’s ex clusive sit down with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt airs Wednesday on “Today” and “Date line.”

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Bob Barker, who’s retiring from “The Price Is Right,” proved he’s just as big a draw at night as he is at 11 a.m.

CBS’ trib ute to Barker last Thursday (8-9 p.m.), “A Celebra tion of 50 Years of Television,” snared over 14 million viewers to easily win its time slot. That followed on the heels of Wednesday night’s “Price Is Right Million Dollar Spectacular” (also 14 million viewers).

The “Grey’s Anatomy” season finale, meanwhile, av eraged 23 million viewers Thursday night (9-10:15 p.m.). I could only bear to watch the last 20 minutes – and still didn’t care what happened to who (nightmare scenario: an office discussion about “last night’s ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’ “).

Last, but not least: * “Live with Regis & Kelly” is in New Orleans to morrow through Friday. They’re building a playground in the city’s Bywater area.

* Happy (belated) birthday to Abby Oppenheim (Tele pictures).

* Anyone else convinced that those “unsubscribe” links are a scam? They never work.