US News


The MTA is being threatened with a third lawsuit, this time for $1 million, by a passenger of one Brooklyn bus line who says he was assaulted by thugs while the driver did nothing to help him – not even call the cops, as required by agency policy.

Thomas Romolo’s story mirrors those of two others who also have filed papers naming the Metropolitan Transportation Authority as the target of intended suits for assaults. Each case involves black youths attacking non-black riders on the B82 bus.

“This is clearly a group of kids that have gotten away with it,” said Romolo’s lawyer, George Stavropoulos. “There’s no reason for them to stop what they’re doing.”

One victim was allegedly told, “What am I supposed to do?” by a driver after he was robbed Nov. 13. Another, a Catholic schoolgirl, was allegedly told to “go to a priest” by the driver after her March 16 beating.

Romolo, of Canarsie, said he saw four to six black youths “harassing” a “white kid” on the B82 on March 26.

After they robbed the boy, Romolo said to the driver, ” ‘You should call the cops, or kick them off yourself.’ He said, ‘Don’t worry about it. This is an everyday occurrence.’ ”

Then the youths attacked Romolo at a stop, pushing him to the street.

He was stabbed, and the pack began kicking him, as the bus stood still with its doors open, he said.